Tag Archives: Orient Bay

Port of Call of the Week – St Martin

A video says a thousand words!!  Need I write more?

Some people say “I have already done that itinerary.  I want to see other islands.”

I say that the great thing about going to the same port many times is knowing exactly “What” you want to do when you get there.  It really is much more enjoyable when you don’t feel pressured to see everything and you can spend all day doing your favorite thing on the island.  In St Martin, our favorite thing to do is spend the day at Orient Beach…more specifically “Coco’s Beach”.   Of course you can go on an excursion to Orient Beach, but then you will be like a herd of cows (not a literal picture!) and not feel special.  Take my advice…take a cab to Coco’s and feel the difference!

Sure…you could go to Kontiki’s, Waikiki (totally expensive!) or Bikini Beach, but you won’t feel the intimate friendly service.  As with any restaurant or resort, service is always key…and at Cocos the employees really care.  You can feel it.  And I attribute that to the owner Sophie.  She is hands on and a part of the experience.  You can always count on the food being fabulous, the service being top notch and the “after lunch specialty rum” being …oh how can I say “rumilicious!” (is that a word?!)

Look for the Periwinkle umbrellas and THAT is Coco’s.  I recommend the lobster salad, the Rigaletto Pizza or the grilled chicken (devito style!).  Ask for Phillipe, Roman and Sophie and tell them Janet & Frank sent you…and don’t forget to say “Bonjour!”

Take a cruise to St Marten, stay at one of our fav hotels (Alamanda or Esmeralda) or renta villa (Casa Lana, Coccinelle or Dolce Vita – depending on your budget)….but just GO!  I have been going there for over 25 years and love it!

For more tips on St marten and booking that special vacationClick Here!

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Filed under adult vacations, Celebrity Cruises, Continental Airlines, cruiseOne, honeymoon, luxury cruises, luxury cruising, resort, royal caribbean, small ships, travel, vacation

Travel Disasters…Look at the Bright Side!

Half the fun of planning a dream vacation is “looking forward to it” & “looking back on it”.  What happens on the actual vacation…that’s the other half. Sometimes the best planning can’t avoid the unexpected pitfalls…..

True story – My husband, Frank, and I planned our Dream vacation for our 10th Anniversary.  As big fans of St Marten (Orient Bay) we meticulously planned our  3 week Anniversary trip like we were producing the perfect Feature film…

Location – Villa Coccinelle , Orient Bay .  A luxury 4 bedroom Villa with a breathtaking infinity pool overlooking Orient Bay.

IS this heaven or what!!

Cast – Our family of 7 + 14 (Names have been changed to protect “hurt feelings!)


  • Frank and I would arrive 5 days ahead to “set up ”  Villa Coccinelle & play house! (HEY, it was our Anniversary!)
  • Our 5 children, sisters family  & Grandma would arrive for Christmas  (family time)
  • Extended family & friends arrive for New Years

It was a dream.  Everything was even better then we thought it could be.  Christmas Eve at Cherri’s, Christmas day on the beach.  Every night, Frank and I would go to bed thinking “This is so awesome!  We did such a great job planning this!”  and then…..

The day after Christmas, while on a family morning jog (sounds nerdy, but true!) Frank rolled his ankle.  A moment in time that he wishes he could take back…but as his ankle ballooned to elephant proportions, he realized he was screwed! And he was in PAIN!  We could have ended it right there and returned home…but with so many family and friends depending on us, Frank decided to make the best of it.    Alot of ice, a pair of crutches & an endless supply of Grey Goose and Frank could make it through!  (Let’s toast to that!)

Just when we all got used to the “altered state” of our vacation, a one in a million event occurred (NO, we did not hit the St Marten Lotto!)…..

His sisters family, returning to their resort one evening, encountered a crazy patch of mosquitos.  Unfortunately as they entered the buzzing fog they realized the windows were down.  6 humans versus a million mosquitos.  Who wins?  The 1 little bug that bit “Ann”.  And a few days later, it was confirmed…she had Dengue Fever.  Yes, she contracted a third world country disease.  (R U KIDDING ME!!)

Again, we made the best of it.  How could we not?  We were in beautiful Villa Coccinelle, lunching at our favorite “Cocos” on the beach (with Sophie) everyday, dinner at our favorite La Cigale” with Olivier and “Marios Bistro, we had great weather and were with our closest friends and family.  Life was good.  But what we didn’t count on was the occasional “clash of the idiosyncrasies” amongst our guests…

Can’t we go to a different restaurant tonight?” “I went to the store yesterday, why should I go today?” “How did your 4 Pina Coladas end up on my bill?” “THEY LEFT FOR THE BEACH WITHOUT ME!!” “It’s your turn to buy the next bottle of Grey Goose!” “Who gets Grandmas Bedroom when she leaves?”  “Who left the mess on the counter?” “Can’t Frank go to the doctor on his own? He is infringing on our beach time!”  And when “Sam” said to “Carol” – “Why do you take so freaking long to do your hair when it looks the same as it did an hour ago!!” … I sensed the tension (okay, so that is an understatement!)

We asked ourselves, was it worth it?  And the answer is a resounding YES!  In fact, those moments of disaster seem to bring about the best memories. WeDoug always knows how to make us laugh! crack up when we think about  night the boys almost ran out of gas, when Doug served Champagne like a Chippendale dancer on NY Eve, when we imagine “Carol’s” face after we left her (tired of waiting), when our 6 foot tall sons jumped on the bed petrified of an island spider, watching Frank struggle in the waves after thinking he could body surf with one foot!  And yes, we even laugh hysterically when we picture “Ann” with bruises all over like she had been poked by a thousand people!

If you ask my kids, they will tell you it was the best vacation they ever took.  If you ask my friends, they would go again in a heartbeat.  Even “Ann” & her hubby got an extended vacation (Doctors wouldn’t let her fly) when Grandma flew home with her kids! And us…of course Frank would have preferred to have had both feet working, but in our heads, we are always planning another dream trip to Villa Coccinelle.

So have fun “looking forward” to your dream vacation.  Laugh your head off sharing memories afterwards.  And in the middle…make the best out of it, and remember, those unexpected moments can end up being the best memories!

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For more info on Villa Coccinelle CLICK HERE.

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